Online CPD Nursing Education - Nursing Education Courses Online
We are planning to continue the Nursing Education Program previously provided by eHealth Training Pty Ltd. This includes the 'Online CPD Nursing Education' and the 'Free Nursing Education Online' courses.
If you are interested, please call us on 1300 337 164 or e-mail us at . Many thanks!
If you are interested a comprehensive program of eHealth Education Courses and HL7 Workshops - from Introductory half-day eHealth Standards Overviews, HL7 FHIR & CDA Fast-Track Courses to Intensive 3-day HL7 Implementation Courses with HL7 International Analyst Certification - please check the following dates and locations:
● Sydney: 2016 ● Hobart: 2016 ● Melbourne: late 2016 ● Brisbane: late 2016 ● Kuala Lumpur: (in planning) ● Singapore: (in planning) |
● Darwin: (in planning) ● Perth: (in planning) ● Auckland: (in planning) ● Canberra: (in planning) ● Adelaide: (in planning) |
You can get regular updates on our eHealth Training program via e-mail and social media - so please subscribe to our Newsletter or Click 'Like' and 'Follow' to get our latest Education Program Updates: